Is Fear Keeping you From Seeing the Dentist
Most people are extremely scared of showing their teeth to the dentist. We as one of the best dental clinic phase 11 sector 65 mohali, Chandigarh and Panchkula understand that you may feel nervous, worried or just afraid of the dentist. So, the best dental clinic phase 11 sector 65 Mohali is here to help you with that. In order to maintain optimal dental health, it is important to be checked by a dentist on a regular basis, and if a procedure is needed undergo it. Otherwise, you are storing up greater problems for later on.
The fear of dentists, dentistry or of receiving dental care is known as odontophobia. It can be developed in many different ways.
Here are the top 4 reasons:
- The Drill
The first basis of fear is the noise or vibrations of the dental drill. When people hear this sound, their sweat starts to pour. You don’t need to fear this because your dentist works with the drill on a daily basis and has spent years practicing his craft. Your dentist holds the drill with precision and is miffed by even a small unnecessary dent. It is highly unlikely that such a person could, even unintentionally, harm you with the machine. Have faith in your dentist and stay calm. It isn’t a complicated procedure and the control for the machine is right under his foot in most cases.
- The Pain
Another basis of fear is a pain. Is it going to hurt? This is the question on everybody’s mind whenever they sit in a dental chair because they must have heard a horror story of a difficult or painful extraction. Well, the good news is, best dental clinic phase 11 sector 65 Mohali, Chandigarh, and Panchkula now practices pain-free dentistry. First, a numbing spray is used to numb the injection site and then the needle is used to inject anesthesia to the nerve endings. This helps in keeping the area numb for the duration of the procedure.
- The Needle
The fear of needles and injections is huge for some people. It is one of the top 10 adult phobias and children are even more fearful. These days’ best dental clinic phase 11 sector 65 Mohali, Chandigarh, and Panchkula practice dentistry without anesthesia i.e. minimally invasive dentistry. On the other hand, proper pain management is followed. If you are in pain during the procedure always raise your hand and let the dentist know. He must stop and take the necessary precautions. It is not required for you to power through any sort of pain.
- Embarrassment
There are some people who feel the embarrassment of showing their oral cavities to a stranger. Well, please understand that this stranger is a thorough professional. His job is to ease dental conditions and he would happily do it. The dentist will also maintain the confidentiality of your situation so; don’t worry about your pictures being used as an example to daunt people. In case he does need to write a scientific report or presentation, he would do so only after your permission and would also hide your face and other identifiers before presenting the case to his community.
As you can see, all your fears can be dealt with and they should not stop you from getting that perfect smile. The bottom line is that it is important to find a dentist who understands and attends to dental fear. So, go ahead and book an appointment with your dentist and let your teeth shine brighter and last longer.
Dear Readers, dentists at Specialist Dental Care understands your dental fears and attends to them. So go ahead and book an appointment today.